“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Washington DC
“Shutting down the entire economy, throwing millions out of work, and scaring millions more from visiting their physician for needed medical care will lead to magnitudes more dying from the ‘cure’ to a virus.”
Dr. Lyman Wostrel, Mt. Vernon, Missouri
“I feel the immense collateral economic/social and even medical damage (to people with non-COVID conditions and furloughed health care workers) of the current measures is not being adequately taken into account.”
Dr. Jeremy Klapper, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“The lockdown has hurt more people than it helped. The fear generated by the government under Dr Fauci and the press is causing more morbidity and mortality than the virus has caused.”
Dr. Duane Rommel, Indian Shores, Florida
“The US needs to treat America’s 50 states with 'individualized care' not one size fits all prescriptions. We should not have shut down every state and county as if it were NY or New Jersey.”
Dr. Robert Rehnke, St. Petersburg, Florida
“Everyone understands the increased health impact of this disease on people who are elderly and infirm. But we cannot ignore the increased economic impact of the containment measures on healthy and young persons.”
Dr. James McCullough, Edmonds, Washington
“We are killing patients by inhibiting their medical visits even if only by fear, from getting needed medical care. Many of these health care facilities and practices will be lost forever, and then when needed again they won’t be there.”
Dr. Carl Decker, Sedona, Arizona
“This shutdown has no sound medical basis or precedent. Coronamania is a politically weaponized pandemic.”
Dr. Steven LaTulippe, Salem, Oregon
“Persistent lockdowns except for mass gatherings like arena sporting events are unnecessary and harmful due to the law of unintended consequences. ”
Dr. Robert McManus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“Protect those with underlying health conditions and those 70 and older. Hold off on arena a stadium mass gatherings. Otherwise open up business! ”
Dr. Candace Warner, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
“The government’s policy of suppressing civil liberties is madness. Listen to clinicians instead of lifelong bureaucrats.”
Dr. William Green, Cornelius, North Carolina
“[T]he shutdown will likely lead to more lost lives than the Covid virus. Deaths of despair: suicide, domestic homicide, substance abuse and overdoses, etc. will increase... We can reopen the economy safely with the current social distancing recommendations.”
Dr. Ingrid Skop, San Antonio, Texas
“The 'cure' has been infinitely worse than the disease. The entirety of American society has been crippled, not just the economy, and the results of this will be vastly more costly than those which have ensued from the coronavirus. It is time to reopen America.”
Dr. Ted Vaughn, Greenwood, South Carolina