COVID Hype and Hope

Original source:Assn of American Physicians and Surgeons

July 7, 2020

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Regarding COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other established national and international agencies define what is hype or false hope. If “hype,” also called “harmful misinformation,” appears on a website or social media, it will be disappeared, cancelled, or labeled as dangerous, as people are referred to WHO or CDC websites.

Remember that most entities promoting panic and despair have an ulterior motive. They are selling a remedy, the only thing that they say can save you from certain disaster.

WHO, CDC, et al., and the medical organizations and physicians who trust their authority are saying that COVID-19 is incurable. We must remain locked down, separated, and masked. If we catch it, we must go home, self-isolate, and come to hospital if we can’t breathe. We can take some over-the-counter medications for fever and pain, but there is nothing to prescribe, they say.

Our hope for humanity depends on honest, ethical research and freedom to choose our own care, even if self-anointed U.S. or global authorities demean our communications as “hype.”


Read the full op-ed on Association of American Physicians and Surgeons by Jane Orient, MD, a doctor in Tucson, Arizona. She serves as Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and is a partner of the Job Creators Network Foundation.